Guest paper series | What the Indo-Pacific means to Europe

In this new HCSS paper series, edited by Paul van Hooft and Benedetta Girardi, with contributions from Alisa Hoenig, 5 guest authors explore the most important shared interests between European and Indo-Pacific states, as well as the examples of successful European engagement with regional states over the past decade. The series also reflects upon the form and frameworks that would make a European role most effective, as the growing economic, security, and political interdependences force European states to consider how to position themselves within complex regional dynamics.

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Opinie | Paul van Hooft: Een Europees kernwapen is nagenoeg onmogelijk

Europese nucleaire afschrikking is gevaarlijk en moeilijk te verwezenlijken, schrijft HCSS senior strategisch analist Paul van Hooft. Europa kan zich beter richten op geavanceerde conventionele wapens. Een Europees kernwapen is nagenoeg onmogelijk, maar Europese geavanceerde conventionele wapens, samen met Franse en Britse kernwapens, maken afschrikking van Rusland mogelijk, mochten de Verenigde Staten Europa niet meer kunnen - of willen - beschermen.

War On The Rocks | A Two-Theater Tragedy: A Reluctant Europe Cannot Easily Escape a Sino-American War over Taiwan

Even if Europeans decide to remain on the sidelines, U.S. involvement in a war over Taiwan will leave behind a considerable power vacuum in Europe and create conventional deterrence gaps, argue HCSS strategic analysts Tim Sweijs and Paul van Hooft in a new contribution for War on the Rocks.